Yesterday, I relaunched!

I’ve slowly worked on it for several months bring it up to 2015. I originally created the site back in 2010 with just basic HTML and CSS. Since then, I implemented a PHP backend. But that was never enough.

In an attempt to make things more streamlined for myself and my users. Now instead of just hard-coding everything, I automated most of the site with a database and a whole lot of PHP scripting. I also created a very easy admin panel for myself where I can enter new tutorials with ease. This is something I’m proud of because it saves me a TON of time.

I also bootstrapped the site, making it much more mobile friendly than in the past. The entire layout is responsive and works on any screen! There is also jQuery to help make the site ‘pop.’

So please, check out and I would love to hear any feedback! If you find any bugs, please report them.

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Easy Programming