It truly has been a while. Since my last post, I’ve completed my Easy JavaScript series and have started my Easy jQuery series. So much has changed in July 2, 2016. I’ve gained more skills, I’ve made new friends, I won a bowling championship, I got a promotion at work, and more.
But this post is about my Easy jQuery series. jQuery is just a JavaScript library. My Easy JavaScript series had 54 tutorials! And I encourage you to view as many of them as possible before picking up jQuery because it’s essentially JavaScript and the more you know, the easier it will be.
The above is just the intro video, where I decided to start the index at 0. As of today, I have uploaded 4 tutorials (5 videos) and are getting a 5th one ready for next Saturday. Unlike my JS tutorials, I’m only posting one tutorial every 2 weeks because there aren’t as many topics to cover.
What tutorial would you like to see next?